One of the newest trends in fashion is the feathers/pony-hair trend, which is absolutely gorgeous as it manages to attract attention in a very feminine and extravagant sort of way. The way the feathers are decorating the outfits can make a huge difference, allowing fashion designers to be highly creative with their designs.

It looks absolutely delightful and it suits different occasions as they are elegant and different at the same time, allowing your outfit to stand out. You can accessorize it differently to obtain the desired results, if you are looking for a relatively simple and elegant outfit or you are looking for something more extravagant. Choose the outfit style that suits best your personality and you will definitely look adorable, stylish and unique.

By LuisaVerdee


One Response so far.

  1. I think this is a really unique and fun trend! The only "but" that i can give the trend is that I don't know where to get those accesories! I guess I'll have to DIM... :P

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